Think About It Thursday: Don’t Let Someone Else’s Guidance Override Your Vision

Yes, it’s helpful for visionaries to invest in mentors, coaches or mastermind groups for support in realizing our ideas.

But it’s also important for us to be mindful of what we’re buying into.

If your so-called support imposes their way of doing things, that’s a problem.

On this minisode of Leading Visionaries, Anjel describes the danger of getting caught up in someone else’s path to success and letting their direction override your vision.

Anjel explains what to do when someone’s guidance makes you feel less-than and why it’s our responsibility to guard the sanctity of our vision.

Listen in for insight on practicing an organic approach to visioning and learn how to measure your progress in a way that aligns with your definition of success.

What You Will Learn

Why it’s crucial for a leading visionary to be mindful of what we buy into

The danger in allowing someone else’s way of doing things to you to override your vision

What differentiates an organic approach to creation from a linear one

Why it’s a visionary leader’s responsibility to guard the sanctity of their vision

How Anjel convinced herself that her work had to be structured in a certain way (and why that was erosive to her natural flow)

Why the deepest work of a visionary is to be self-affirming

How to choose mentors who point out your blind spots without imposing their way of doing things

What if means when someone’s guidance makes you feel less-than

How Anjel measures herself in alignment with her definition of success

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