Pairing Success with Social Responsibility—with Alessandro Tronco - EP23

Alessandro Tronco had all the things that money could buy. And from the outside looking in, he had a great life. 

But he still felt lost, like he was missing something. 

That’s when God downloaded a message to Alessandro: If you own all the things in life but lose your soul along the way, you're always going to feel empty inside.

That insight inspired Alessandro’s book, The Buddha Who Drove a Bentley: Live Your Most Authentic Life, Find True Happiness, and Have It All.

In addition to being an author, Alessandro serves as Managing Partner at a financial services firm and Founder of Spirit Water.

On this episode of Leading Visionaries, Alessandro joins Anjel to explain how his original vision evolved to include a commitment to social responsibility.

Alessandro describes how to find joy in the sacrifice it takes to realize your vision and shares the resources he used to source a vision for his future.

Listen in for Alessandro’s advice on making time for your vision and learn how to be both successful and a good person, making sacred what you create over what you consume.

What You Will Learn 

How immigrating to the US from Sicily taught Alessandro resourcefulness

Why Alessandro knew he needed vision to change his family’s future

Why America was the right place for Alessandro to make his vision a reality

What resources Alessandro used to source and develop his vision

How Alessandro’s original vision evolved to include impacting others in a positive way

What it means to ‘find joy in the sacrifice’ it takes to realize your vision

Alessandro’s experience of realizing that chasing money left him feeling empty

The 15 lessons on love, forgiveness and giving back in Alessandro’s book

How Alessandro’s daughters inspired him to start Spirit Water

Alessandro’s advice on making sacred what we create vs. what we consume

Connect with Alessandro Tronco

The Buddha Who Drove a Bentley 

Spirit Water


The Buddha Who Drove a Bentley by Alessandro Tronco

Be Heard by Millions and Live Your Destiny: A Creative Age Leader’s Guide to Speak, Sell, Serve & Succeed by Anjel B. Hartwell

Connect with Anjel B. Hartwell 

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Think About It Thursday: Navigating a Slowdown in Momentum Toward Your Vision


Overcoming Roadblocks as a Creative Visionary with Amy Zerner & Monte Farber - EP22